Tag Archives: new world order


26 Jul

Chemtrail believers and their curious suspicions.

I’m not one for entertaining conspiracy theories. It is not my cynicism that is the cause of this apprehension, it is my suspicion of unchecked cynicism which where conspiracy theories are concerned, boils over into wild assumptions and spurious ‘findings’ that nearly always end in: we are all being controlled by ‘The Man’. If there was ever a more damning indictment of large swathes of conspiracy theories it is this buzz word, ‘The Man’ is quite possibly the vaguest, least descriptive term that could be attributed to what many theorists claim is controlling and influencing all of our lives, at least in the West. There are of course some conspiracy theories which are worthy of consideration, where inconcistencies in accounts provide cause for suspicion. Regarding this, I shall not comment on the 911 conspiracy theory for I simply know little of the argument, or literature concerning it, but on chemtrails I feel obliged to speak. With any conspiracy theory, in the essence of fairness, it is best to try and believe the claims as much as possible. With chemtrails, and the article in focus, this becomes increasingly difficult. On this subject however  I have chosen not to consider the ‘evidence’ or scientific findings put forward by many of the chemtrail websites, not because of any intended inbalance in my critique, but mainly because I just don’t understand them (although many appear to be pure inventions, and the reports of mystical cloud creatures somewhat distorted any scientific claims made by the featured article’s author). Despite this, the claims of many chemtrail ‘experts’, including Ken Adachi, contain enough accusation, and what is tantamount to sheer guesswork, to provide enough of a laugh, headscratch, drafted letter of angry rebuttal, basis for investigation.

What are Chemtrails?

Chemtrails according to http://www.chemtrailcentral.com are: Streaks of chemicals created in the air by spray systems on airplanes at any altitude. Chemicals are sprayed via planes for many purposes including crop dusting and mosquito control. Also fuel is sometimes dumped to reduce weight before landing. But within the Chemtrail observer community Chemtrails are the product of an active large scale operation. Chemtrails are said to differ from vapour trails, or ‘contrails’ in their length and persistence. So the initial basis for belief in this ‘large operation’ appears to stem from vapour trails that hang around longer than is expected of them. (They are the aerial, chemical equivalent of teenagers outside Asda past 9pm, who I am almost certain pose more of a threat to human safety than chemtrails.)

According to Ken Adachi in his article ‘Chemtrails, an Introduction’ http://www.educate-yourself.org/ct/, these are not vapour trails, oh no, but “toxin-laden aerosols” sprayed over our unwitting heads at the behest of the ‘New World Order’, upon whom Ken also happens to be a distinguished expert; (http://educate-yourself.org/nwo/nwopopcontrol.shtml) to limit the population of a nation and ultimately form a one-world government. Ken reports to have had his first ‘wake up call’ in 1998 when he witnessed chemtrails in the sky, which he had previously believed to be contrails, after they were described to him on a radio program. My first suspicion of Ken’s account on his somewhat ironically titled website, came at exactly this point. He reports to simply see what is clearly, undeniably, a chemtrail and exclaims; “Holy Cow, I thought to myself {and presumably some imaginary friends Ken may well have}, We’re being sprayed right here in southern California!” Ken does not point out exactly what led him to believe that what he saw in the sky was a chemtrail, he merely presumes as much. How he came to the conclusion he did is not clear, because if chemtrail’s distinguishing feature are their longevity, then surely he must have sat watching this one for a while to ascertain it’s sinister origin, If he did, then this is a detail missing from the article, and were his claim to be credible on this count, it strikes me as the kind of detail he would have included without so much as a thought. Thought doesn’t seem to be the order of the day with Ken though.

What is their purpose oh Ken?

Mentioned briefly above is Ken’s belief in the existence of the ‘New World Order’, an organisation who are allegedly trying to control the entire world. Evidently Ken is the kind of internet halfwit who lends weight to the contention that the work of Dan Brown contains some rigorous illumination of world history’s darkest secrets. In fact if you trawl through Ken’s website, it becomes apparent that he is predisposed to believe in almost anything that can loosely be described as anti-establishment to the point of… “The plan to use the ‘disclosure’ of aliens as a set up for eventually getting humanity to band together under a One World government.” http://educate-yourself.org/cn/aliensarecomingprelude16apr05.shtml In this vein, Ken believes that chemtrails are intended for genocidal purposes; “bear in mind that we have turned a corner on combating chemtrails and have now thrown a huge spanner wrench into the Dark Side’s finely oiled genocide machine”. Presumably the NWO have also forged an alliance with Darth Vader and co. for such attacks, but apart from this how is Ken not asking himself ‘why is no-one dying as a result of chemtrails?’ Until this point in Ken’s article I was mildly amused at the quirky theory he was outlining, but here I started to lose my patience. Firstly, if these genocidal purposes are true then who has died as a result? And what evidence is there concerning the required fleets of planes and pilots for such an attack? Evidence doesn’t seem to be Mr. Adachi’s forte, and neither does sensitivity. I can only assume that Ken does not know what genocide is, because it is an insult to the millions of victims of actual genocide that this moron is peddling this theory which is so laden with monstrous allegations and the flagrant use of such terms.

Of the celebrity subscribers to the theory, Prince is adamant that chemtrails are at least the cause of violent behaviour amongst his neighbours; “And then you started to see a whole bunch of them (chemtrails) and the next you know, everybody in your neighborhood was fighting and arguing and you didn’t know why, okay?” No, not okay you twit. If you didn’t know why your neighbours were arguing, (I imagine they were arguing over the best way to rid the neighbourhood of it’s partying~like~it’s~1999 celebrity inhabitant) you would not assume it was because of chemtrails. After reading this quote I was utterly speechless; there is no retort I can think of because it is simply utter drivel. It would be unfair to generalise all subscribers to the theory to be of equal intelligence or understanding as Prince though, unfair on Prince that is because they are probably of lesser intelligence. Unfortunately there is no forum on the website to verify this wild and unfounded assumption of mine, although any window on their conversations may well drive me to despair, and as such I will stick with my presumption that like Ken they are all lunatics of the highest degree. As if to reiterate this point, Ken provides a solution to chemtrails at the end of his introduction:

“This “rescue” effort of neutralizing and transmuting the toxic elements in chemtrails was initiated in early 2002 with the introduction of a device called the “chembuster” which will transmute the atmospheric orgone energy envelope from one polarity (‘DOR’) which allow chemtrails to persist, to another orgone polarity (‘OR’) which will cause chemtrails to disperse. The proliferation of chembusters around the country led to another dramatic development in early 2004: legions of huge air elemental beings called “Sylphs” by ancient Greeks made their presence known by assuming cloud shapes that often look like wispy winged angels or animal forms (there are dozens of photos of Sylphs posted on the Sylph /Chemtrail page) who set about “cleaning up” the skies of chemtrail toxins by engulfing and transmuting chemtrail toxins into non-toxic substances.”(http://educate-yourself.org/ct/)

I can imagine Ken sat at home, scrawling this in what he believes to be Unicorn blood, on ancient Egyptian papyrus rescued from the grip of a New World Order agent by a colleague and co-theorist. Quite simply, the more fear-mongering and mystical theories Ken loads on to chemtrails, the less and less credible the theory becomes, but ultimately the more amusement and intrigue he provides for the likes of myself. Despite his insensitive use of the term genocide, I am condescendingly fond of Ken, whoever he may be, and his wild imaginings. If I was as inventive as Ken, (‘Sylphs’?!), I might gain as much internet notoriety as him, and maybe as much readership. The rest of educate-yourself is worth a read, it will make sleeping seem an educational experience in comparison, and it is a fascinating window on the mad results of disenchantment with the wide world that many like Ken experience. Give it a read, give it credence at your peril.

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